Gary Lambert

  • Tips For Driving Safely For A Safe Driving Insurance Discount

    Are you allowing your auto insurance provider to track your driving habits in exchange for a lower premium? While they promised to not raise your insurance for installing the tracking device in your vehicle, it's possible to not receive a discount due to how you drive your car. This is because the device that you put in your car has an accelerometer in it, which tracks many aspects of your drive that can impact your rating. [Read More]

  • Working As An Independent Construction Contractor? Why You Need Contractor Insurance

    Being involved in the construction industry is undoubtedly a very noble profession. People depend on you to build every part of the houses that they live in and many wouldn't be able to maintain their dwelling without your expertise. This comes with a lot of responsibility and an even greater amount of risk. You must cover yourself in the event that someone tries to levy a lawsuit against you and your independent business. [Read More]

  • 4 Things To Look For When You Receive A Car Insurance Quote

    These days, it only takes a few minutes of your time to receive an online quote from most auto insurance carriers. When comparing quotes, however, it's important to look beyond the total premium amount or monthly payment provided. In order to make sure you're truly getting the best coverage for your money, there are a few other things you should be looking for when scrutinizing an auto insurance quote. 1. The Deductible Amount [Read More]

  • Do You Need Rideshare Insurance?

    If you use your personal care to offer rideshare services, you should make sure you have the right types of auto insurance coverage on your car. If you do not, you could experience problems if you ever need to file a claim on your policy, or if someone that hires you for a ride sues you. To fully protect yourself, you should make sure you have rideshare insurance coverage on your auto insurance policy. [Read More]

  • Do You Need Gap Insurance?

    If you are not overly familiar with car insurance terms, there is a chance you may not have enough coverage on your car, or you might have too much coverage. It can be hard to understand all the different terms used in car insurance, but you should try to understand them so that you can have the right coverages. One such term you might not fully understand is gap insurance, and here are a few things to know about this. [Read More]

  • Factors Affecting Flood Insurance Cost

    Flood insurance is typically a separate coverage from standard homeowner's insurance coverage. This means you need to minimize your costs for both types of coverage if you don't want to overpay for your home's protection. When it comes to flood insurance coverage, knowing the factors insurance companies use to calculate rates may help you manage your costs. Here are some of those factors. Your Location By far, your location is the premier factors that determine how much you pay for flood insurance. [Read More]

  • Understanding Multi-Car Insurance Policies

    Multi-car insurance coverage is meant for covering multiple cars under the same policy rather than buying individual policies for each. This is something you should strongly consider if you own multiple cars or have multiple cars in your household. Who Needs It You Move in with a Roommate Combining your cars in a single auto insurance policy may be convenient when you move in with a roommate. This is even more the case if you will be driving each other's cars. [Read More]

  • Leasing A Car: Caveats For Non-Ownership Driving Privileges

    When you lease a car, it is not technically yours. You make monthly payments on it, and you even have to carry full coverage insurance on it, but it is not yours. Of course, there are benefits to leasing a vehicle, but the caveats for non-ownership driving privileges are very different. You Agree to Overhead Costs Some dealerships have overhead costs with allowing drivers to lease vehicles. These costs are typically passed on to drivers. [Read More]

  • Things To Consider Before Purchasing A Health Insurance Plan

    No one knows when they may be seriously injured, become ill, or develop a condition that requires extensive medical care, so health insurance is a necessity. However, buying health insurance can also be quite confusing, regardless of whether you're selecting from an employer-sponsored plan or shopping on the marketplace. Before you commit to purchasing a health insurance plan, it is important to understand what you are buying. Use the following tips when buying health insurance. [Read More]

  • 3 Smart Upgrades That Could Save You Money On Home Insurance

    Do you feel like you're paying too much for your home insurance? If so, then it's always a good idea to shop around and compare rates. However, you may also want to make sure you're taking advantage of all the home insurance discounts available to you. By putting a little bit of time and money into some home upgrades you've already been considering, you may be able to save on your home insurance premium without sacrificing the quality of your coverage in the process! [Read More]