
  • Consequences Of Not Following The SR-22 Requirements You Have

    After a DUI or a major traffic violation, such as being caught driving without insurance, you might receive notification that you need SR-22 car insurance coverage. If you know nothing about SR-22 insurance and decide to just ignore the letter about it, you will encounter a lot of consequences, and here are some of them that you should understand. You Will Lose the Driving Privileges You Have Did you know that your driver's license is not something you should take for granted? [Read More]

  • 3 Tips For Getting The Best Rate On Your Auto Insurance

    Auto insurance coverage is a must if you want to be roadworthy in most states. In fact, only two states in the US, New Hampshire and Virginia, do not require auto insurance in order to drive. The rest of the states have a certain level of minimum coverage that needs to be met in order to drive. While car insurance is a necessity throughout most of the US, it can get pricey. [Read More]

  • How To Get Started With Homeowners Insurance

    A house is one of the biggest investments most people make in their lifetimes. Houses are sound but costly investments. In most cases, you will be making mortgage payments for decades to come. That's why it's important to protect your investment with homeowners insurance. Homeowners insurance can help you afford the repair work you need if unfortunate accidents befall your house or belongings. It can also provide you with legal and financial protection in case someone gets hurt while visiting your house. [Read More]

  • What Age Is The Best For Buying Life Insurance?

    Insurance coverage is something most people need and have, but there are certain types that are considered optional. One optional type of coverage is life insurance coverage, and while this is optional to have, it is a very important type of policy to buy. If you are wondering what the best age is for you to buy a policy, here are a few things to think about and know. It is much cheaper to buy when you are younger [Read More]

  • Does Owning A Dog Affect Your Homeowner's Insurance Rates?

    There are a lot of things that can affect the rates you pay for your homeowner's insurance rates, and you might be surprised to find out that owning a dog is one of these. While there are certain types of dogs you can own that would not affect your rates, there are other types that will, and there are also dog types that could lead to a cancellation of your policy. [Read More]

  • Effects Of Carpooling On Your Auto Insurance

    If you have a long commute to work each day, have you considered carpooling? Carpooling is a great way to save money on fuel costs, and it also reduces the wear and tear on your vehicle. If there are people in your area you can carpool with, it could offer a lot of benefits to you. If this is something you are considering, it is important to understand the effects it may have on your car insurance. [Read More]

  • How The Occupancy Of Your Home Affects Insurance Rates

    The occupancy of your house will affect the rates you pay for homeowner's insurance coverage, and this is primarily because the risks change as occupancy changes. There are several different types of occupancy that will affect your rates, and here are several different things you should understand. Owner-occupied The best type of occupancy in terms of homeowner's insurance is owner-occupied. A house that is owner-occupied is a house where the owner of the house lives in the house. [Read More]

  • Need To Relieve The Stress Of High-Risk Car Insurance? Start With This Simple Strategy

    Whether caused by receiving a number of traffic tickets, failure to carry insurance, or involvement in one or more traffic accidents, getting the news that you are now classified as "high risk" is never good news. Drivers who are given this classification may find themselves seeing their car insurance premiums rise dramatically for at least three to five years. If subsequent violations or accidents occur during that time, the time frame may be even longer. [Read More]

  • 3 Ways For Small Business Owners To Secure An Affordable Workers Compensation Insurance Policy

    Running a small business can be incredibly rewarding, but many small business owners are continually looking for ways to reduce costs and operate according to a strict budget. If you're a small business owner who has employees working for your company, you will be required to have workers comp insurance. This type of insurance is designed to protect employees in the event that they are injured on the job. When you begin shopping for workers comp insurance, you may be worried about the quoted prices that you receive. [Read More]

  • The Effects Of Bad Credit And Lapses In Coverage On Auto Insurance Rates

    If you currently do not have auto insurance but need it, you may end up paying more for your policy than you want to if your credit is bad. Not only does a person's credit play a role in the price they pay for insurance coverage, but people who currently do not have insurance are considered high-risk, simply because there is a lapse in their coverage. Here are a few things to understand about bad credit, lapses, and auto insurance rates. [Read More]