Consequences Of Not Following The SR-22 Requirements You Have

Posted on: 14 November 2019

After a DUI or a major traffic violation, such as being caught driving without insurance, you might receive notification that you need SR-22 car insurance coverage. If you know nothing about SR-22 insurance and decide to just ignore the letter about it, you will encounter a lot of consequences, and here are some of them that you should understand.

You Will Lose the Driving Privileges You Have

Did you know that your driver's license is not something you should take for granted? Driving a car in this country is a privilege you earn, and it is a privilege you can easily lose. One easy way to lose this privilege is by not getting SR-22 coverage when you are told that you must have it. When you fail to purchase a policy that includes SR-22 coverage, even if you have car insurance already, you will lose the privilege to drive. The DMV will only give you a short amount of time to buy the coverage, and if you do not abide by this requirement, they will revoke your driving privileges. Without a driver's license, your life may be greatly affected in many negative ways.

You Will Not Complete the Requirement

Secondly, in many situations, getting SR-22 coverage is actually a requirement of the court after a DUI or other major offense. If the court tells you that you need it, failing to get it means that you are in contempt of court and are not completing the requirement the court has set in place for you. What this amounts to is that you will have trouble getting your license back in the future, and this is simply because you must carry an SR-22 policy for the length of time you are required to. Failing to follow through with this is a problem.

You Could End Up with Legal Problems

Finally, you could up facing legal problems by not getting the coverage you are told you need. If this is a court requirement, the court could pursue other charges against you, simply for not getting the type of car insurance you need.

When the court or DMV requires that you purchase a special type of car insurance policy called SR-22, it is not an option. This is something that you must do if you ever want to legally drive again. If you are concerned with the costs of the policy, shop around to find a company with the best rates for your budget.

For more information about SR-22 insurance, contact a local company such as VIP 360 Insurance.
