What Age Is The Best For Buying Life Insurance?
Insurance coverage is something most people need and have, but there are certain types that are considered optional. One optional type of coverage is life insurance coverage, and while this is optional to have, it is a very important type of policy to buy. If you are wondering what the best age is for you to buy a policy, here are a few things to think about and know. It is much cheaper to buy when you are younger [Read More]
3 Ways To Protect Your Identity With Medicare
Medicare is a wonderful program designed to provide health insurance to our nations most at risk populations, the elderly and the disabled. Unfortunately, there are many individuals with bad intentions who pray on the same groups of people. Identity theft is an all too common occurrence in the world of Medicare. Luckily there are a few ways to protect yourself. 1-Protect Your New Number. By the end of 2019 all Medicare recipients should receive a new Medicare card in the mail. [Read More]
Are You A General Contractor? Why You Need General Contractor's Insurance
Working as a general contractor comes with a lot of responsibility. Although you don't have to deal with a manager breathing down your neck because you are essentially your own boss there are some other considerations that you have to contend with if you want to avoid certain financial pitfalls. One of these involves the very real risk that something will go wrong on the job site where you happen to be working. [Read More]