3 Ways To Protect Your Identity With Medicare

Posted on: 27 September 2018

Medicare is a wonderful program designed to provide health insurance to our nations most at risk populations, the elderly and the disabled. Unfortunately, there are many individuals with bad intentions who pray on the same groups of people. Identity theft is an all too common occurrence in the world of Medicare. Luckily there are a few ways to protect yourself.

1-Protect Your New Number. By the end of 2019 all Medicare recipients should receive a new Medicare card in the mail. This new card is an effort by the federal government to protect the identity of millions of Americans on Medicare. Originally a beneficiary's Medicare number was the same as their social security number. They would be issued a card with their ssn for the world to see, and many would tow this card with them on a daily basis. Crooks knew this fact, and would do everything in their power to get an individuals number. Once a burglar had an individuals SSN, many set up false medical equipment companies and would charge Medicare millions for services which they never rendered.  Now that new cards are being issued, that cash cow is being taken away. As a result, many new schemes are going on at this moment to relieve people of their new Medicare number. Protect it as you would a credit card number. Do not give anyone this number besides your doctor. Do not carry your card unless you are on your way to an appointment.

2-Keep Track of Your Visits/Read Your EOB. As previously stated, crooks have made millions in this country by billing medicare for services they never actually rendered, or medical equipment that was never given to a medicare beneficiary. In order to protect yourself, make a list of all the doctors you see and what services you receive at their hand. Then, when your explanation of benefits (EOB) comes in the mail, cross examine the services you receive with the paper trail. If Medicare is paying for things you have not received you should call and report it to the number listed on your EOB.

3-Say No To Solicitors. It is important to know how Medicare will contact you, should they ever need to. Medicare will never call you on the phone. They will not send a representative to your door to talk about different advantage plans. They will usually just send you something in the mail and wait for a response. If you call them, they will have you verify your identity in various ways. Never give out your personal information to someone who approaches you about Medicare.

Above all, keep yourself safe. Contact a company, like Senior Advisors, for more help.
