The Top 3 Types Of Insurance Policies You Should Buy

Posted on: 30 June 2020

Insurance might seem like an extra bill to pay each month that is somewhat worthless, but this is not the case. Insurance is essential for most people as having insurance protects you from the unknown. If you are just starting on your own and are unsure what types of insurance policies to buy, here are the top three that you need.

Auto Insurance

The most common type of insurance you can buy is auto coverage. This coverage protects you as a driver, and it covers your vehicles. If you are married, you can your spouse can combine your car coverage to one policy. You will likely receive a discount by combining your coverages, as most insurance companies offer bundling discounts.

When buying car insurance, you can choose whether you want liability-only coverage or full-coverage. Full-coverage plans provide much more protection, and you should select this option if your car is valuable. If you have a run-down car that is paid off, you might be fine choosing a liability-only policy.

Home Insurance

Whether you rent or own the place where you live, you should have insurance coverage for it. If you own a house, you can buy a homeowner's policy to protect the home and everything you keep in it. If you rent a house or apartment, you can purchase a policy that protects your belongings. This type of policy is called renter's insurance. Renter's insurance is more affordable than homeowner's policies, but it only protects your things and not the structure of the home.

Life Insurance

Many young people do not buy life insurance because they think it is too expensive or that they do not need it. Life insurance is affordable for young people, and it is something that all young people should have. Life insurance protects your family, and you can buy a term life insurance policy or a whole life policy. Term plans are more affordable and typically offer enough coverage for people in their 20s or 30s, but you can talk to an agent to learn more about your options.

Each type of insurance provides different coverages and protection, and buying all three types from the same company offers benefits. You can benefit by receiving bundling discounts and having one insurance agent to call for all your insurance-related issues, questions, and claims. Contact an insurance agent today if you have questions or need an insurance quote.
