Why You Need Car Insurance Under These Circumstances
Posted on: 11 July 2018
Car insurance is one type of insurance coverage that almost everyone should have. In fact, there are many situations where people think it is okay for them to drop auto coverage while, in the real sense, it's not okay. For example, you still need auto insurance services if:
You Don't Own a Car
It may be surprising, but you don't have to own a car to buy car insurance coverage. In fact, there are car insurance policies specifically targeted at those who don't own cars. They are called non-owner car insurance policies. Non-owner coverage is necessary because, even if you don't own a car, you may still drive your friends' or loved one's cars or drive rental cars. If you get involved in a crash while driving such cars, having non-owner coverage will protect you from the ensuing liabilities.
You Are Sick and Can't Drive
You also need to maintain your car insurance coverage even if you are sick and can't drive, either because you are incapacitated or because you are taking intoxicating drugs. This is because you will need coverage when you recover, and having a gap in your coverage may drive your rates high. Not only that, but your parked car still faces other risks in storage, risks such as theft, fire, and flooding, and you need a valid coverage to compensate you in case of those things.
You Are Going Overseas
Some people let their coverage lapse when going overseas, say for extended vacations or for temporary job postings. However, that is not wise at all if you own a car and you will be leaving it in storage. You need valid coverage just like the incapacitated driver, because it's best to maintain continuous coverage, and your car still faces other risks even if no one is driving it.
Your Car Is Being Restored
Lastly, you should also not suspend your coverage if you are restoring your car. Say you have acquired an antique or collector car, and being the DIY enthusiast that you are, you have decided to restore it bit by bit. Do you really want to lose all that investment if a freak storm damages your garage (and the antique car with it)? The only way to avoid the catastrophe is to get specialty insurance coverage for your car.
As you can see, maintaining auto insurance coverage under different circumstances has multiple benefits. Note, however, that you don't need the same coverage under all circumstances; a car insurance agent can help you determine the type and amount of coverage suitable for each case.